We are ready to support you in your life’s work
Would you like information about the purchase, sale and trade of piglets, pigs and other livestock? Just let us know. We are happy to provide you with professional advice.
Nemegheer NV
Wakkensesteenweg 18
BE-8700 Tielt
T. +32 51 40 71 76
F. +32 51 40 72 41
Animal welfare:
BTW BE0443.658.105
Tailored advice
Do you need personal advice on the purchase or sale of animals for slaughter? Our main focus is on everything involving pigs, with the exception of animals for breeding and our own pig farm. Our experts will be happy to help.
Reinaard Nemegheer
Piglets, pigs, livestock
For advice in Dutch, French, German and English.
Joaquim Gomes
Piglets, pigs, livestock
For advice in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, Romanian and English
Hermeline Nemegheer
Head of planning & administration
Geert Nemegheer
Flax cultivation and linseed
Founder of the company
Contact form